About Us

We elevate experience-based Buildings & Places to make them attainable, through Design Experience + Builder Partnerships.

MoDesColab provides architectural concept design and team referral services to Commercial clients interested in complex, scale solutions. Driven by Brand and Experience Design, we create market-rich solutions in EV infrastructure, Adaptive Modular Wall systems, and explorative solutions designed to repeat.

We focus on repeating elements - either whole buildings or product modules - to take advantage of scale potential: Higher quality, more design, AND lower unit costs. We are retooling architecture, manufacturing, and sustainability, with builder and manufacturing teams to enable the best outcomes, for the least unit cost, for the most number of people.

Modular Design CoLab PLLC
Anthony L. Perez aia

About me

We elevate experience-based Buildings & Places to make them attainable, through Design Experience + Builder Partnerships.

MoDesColab provides architectural concept design and team referral services to Commercial clients interested in complex, scale solutions. Driven by Brand and Experience Design, we create market-rich solutions in EV infrastructure, Adaptive Modular Wall systems, and explorative solutions designed to repeat.

We focus on repeating elements - either whole buildings or product modules - to take advantage of scale potential: Higher quality, more design, AND lower unit costs. We are retooling architecture, manufacturing, and sustainability, with builder and manufacturing teams to enable the best outcomes, for the least unit cost, for the most number of people.


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Pricing Plan

Basic Plan


  • Information architecture
  • Lifetime support
  • A-Z design
  • Full concept

Popular Plan


  • Information architecture
  • Lifetime support
  • A-Z design
  • Full concept

Premium Plan


  • Information architecture
  • Lifetime support
  • A-Z design
  • Full concept
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