Find your answers from your inside out..
your Cellular Memory is the key to have a healthy and prosperous life.
The Anshara Method is utilized to reveal Cellular Memories that often hold the root cause of one's symptoms—whether mental, physical, or emotional.
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For over 31 years, Sherry Anshara has utilized her Medical Intuitive skills…first to heal her own broken back, broken neck, smashed head, and her brain out of place…and then to assist thousands of people worldwide to heal their bodies and their lives of illness, disease, and traumas. Her clients discover that healing does not take a long time when Sherry Anshara assists them to get to the core of the why and when the issues began. She calls her methodology the Anshara AHA! Method®.
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National Awards Win
Variations of passages amt available are anything embarrassing.
Monday - Tuesday: 9am - 6pm
Wednesday - Thursday: 8am - 5pm
Friday: 7am - 10pm
Saturday: 10am - 7pm
Sunday: Colsed
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