THE ORGANIZED EXECUTIVE program will help busy sales people improve their time...
There's a silent majority of students in American schools who are checked out.
It all started with the simple high school question, "How are we going to use this in the REAL world?"
About Tim Goree

helped hundreds of technical leaders

He never could have dreamed that after disengagement, mediocre grades, and a purposeful avoidance of college, Tim Goree would end up devoting 25 years to reaching the highest levels of a large school district.
Relevance is the Key
Leadership and Learning
I'm dedicated to reducing the time to leadership greatness in technical environments to 3 months
Keynote Speaker
I've helped hundreds of technical leaders answer this question with confidence.
3600+ Satisfied Client

Living at the
Intersection of Leadership

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dedicated to reducing the time to leadership

My research has shown that it takes 5-10 years of gathering knowledge, building skills, and implementing methods with success and failure in real working environments to build a leadership

provide business and leadership coaching

I'm dedicated to reducing the time to leadership greatness in technical environments to 3 months.
I.T. Leadership Course

provide business and leadership coaching

Mastering Self-Leadership

Unlock your full leadership potential by mastering self-discipline and personal growth. This module guides you through crafting a clear personal vision, setting strategic goals, and managing productivity effectively.

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Accountability in Leadership

Confront the unique challenges of IT leadership with a robust self-evaluation process. This module equips you to gather and utilize feedback effectively

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Transformative Feedback

Revolutionize how you evaluate and motivate your team with our advanced feedback strategies.

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Why Choose Us

Defining the Challenge

Understanding how schools absorb new initiatives, technologies, and cultural shifts without ever really changing in significant ways
Dedicated to helping others understand what it took him an entire career

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marketing and business software


Achieving Sustainability

There's a silent majority of students in American schools who are checked out.They seem lazy or apathetic. After trying to convince them to study hard, get engaged, and see the value of getting good grades, our education system finally gives up on them.
  • Finding the Answers
  • Defining the Challenge
  • Achieving Sustainability
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