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About Us

empower non profits through immersive tech

At the heart of our mission is the desire to empower organizations to make a positive impact on humanity through immersive technology.

  • Helping non-profits increase their positive impact

  • Helping these organizations transition into the Web3.0 era

  • Leveraging the power of immersive technology

  • Helping organizations understand the potential

Tim Morris

Engaging 3D Spaces

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Empowering brands by providing creator world tools

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We want to empower non profits through immersive tech to increase positive impact on humanity Find Your Solution

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Our Solution for Increasing Engagements

How BEX can help

For 3D websites that work on every browser, every time

Modular or bespoke 3D experiences built on websites for any device

Integrating 3rd party services for seamless transactions


Meet Our Experts

Jennifer Hotai

Co-Founder & CEO

Tim Morris

Co-Founder & CRO

Praveen Mayakar


Jeremy Lane


Why Choose Us

build your 3d experience

At our core, we are committed to helping non-profits increase their positive impact on the world. To achieve this, we are focused on helping these organizations transition into the Web3.0 era and reach more people than ever before. By leveraging the power of immersive technology, we believe that non-profits can create more inclusive and equitable communities, inspire more people to take action, and ultimately, achieve greater impact.

  • Croquet OS Microverse

  • Game Platform

BEX Admin & Analytics


API Marketplace

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We are Here to Help You & Your Business

Pellentesque ultricies quam dui, id portt tor leo
iaculis nec. Phasellus ac neque.


8:00 am - 6:00 pm

Understand the potential of immersive technology

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